本片改编自真实事件。1933年,江洋大盗约翰•迪林格(约翰尼•德普 Johnny Depp 饰)与同伙约翰•汉密尔顿(杰森•克拉克 Jason Clark 饰)持械劫狱,从印第安纳州监狱中成功救出抢劫团伙成员,包括“漂亮男孩”弗洛伊德(查宁•塔图 Channing Tatum 饰),“娃娃脸”尼尔森(斯蒂芬•格拉汉姆 Stephen Granham 饰)等,并藏身腐败警察马丁(约翰•迈克•鲍格 John Michael Bolger 饰)的农宅。马丁说服迪林格藏身芝加哥,寻求黑帮保护。在一系列银行抢劫活动中,迪林格爱上了芝加哥女职员比莉•弗雷凯特(玛丽昂•歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard 饰)。与此同时,联邦调查局探员茂文•普维斯(克里斯蒂安•贝尔 Christian Bale 饰)被上司胡佛局长(比利•克鲁德普 Billy Crudup 饰)提升,在美国第一次“打击犯罪战”中誓将迪林格捉拿归案。行动中,随着迪林格的势败,联邦调查局却日益壮大……</p>...
A couple embark on an early vacation. Left alone, their children cut loose until the boy gets caught for skipping school and things take an unexpected turn. Boasting exquisite camera work, the film is also unforgettable for its wholly original ending....
本片讲述了处于青春期躁动时期的性启蒙事例:生性腼腆的迈克(瑞恩•平克斯顿 Ryan Pinkston 饰)总是无法对暗恋女生表白;弗瑞德(迈克尔•塞拉 Michael Cera 饰)本想约会网恋女孩,却走错了房间;当查克(弗兰奇•莫尼兹 Frankie Muniz 饰)小心翼翼地试探女友南希(克里斯廷娜•迪罗萨 Christina DeRosa 饰)得到肯定后,他享受到了性爱的快感,然而对方如狼似虎的样子却令他仓皇逃窜……...
Charlie goes to the movie and falls in love with a girl on the screen. He goes to Keystone Studios to find her. He disrupts the shooting of a film, and a fire breaks out. Charlie is blamed, gets squirted with a firehose, and is shoved by the female star....
An embarrassing video of Anthony surfaces online right before his fifth high school reunion. The Smosh dudes then race to pull down the clip before it blows Anthony's chances of reconnecting with his teen crush Anna....